Mountain Magic - Celtic Shamanism in the Austrian Alps:
Christian Brunner's latest book, where he explores traces of the Celtic culture that can be found in the customs and in lore of the Eastern Alps
Mountain Magic Caitlin Matthews:
"This is a wonderful book. The Alpine and Mountain traditions preserve so much lore and practice!"
From acclaimed Author Danu Forest (GB):
A wonderful and trusted guide to the path
I love this book, so rich in detailed knowledge and with a deep soulful understanding of this fascinating subject. A book I'll pick up again and again. Well written and researched by a genuine and experienced practitioner. A real treasure on my bookshelf! Brunner provides an important link and guide to this ancient lore and tradition, which is calling to so many once again. Highly recommended.
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Upcoming Events

  • 2018 OBOD East Coast Gathering
    (9/20 - 9/23/2016) Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania
    • Initiation of new Bards into the mysteries of OBOD
    • Initiation of Ovates into the OBOD Ovate Grade
    • Initiation of two Druids into the OBOD Druid Grade

Past Events

  • House Blessing at Gwain and Blake, May 2018

  • Naming Ritual for Astrid Hubert at Imbolc 2018 Namig Rite for Astrid

  • 2017 OBOD East Coast Gathering
    (9/20 - 9/23/2017) Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania
    • Rite of passage for Willard
    • Initiation of new Bards into the mysteries of OBOD
    • Initiation of thirteen Ovates into the OBOD Ovate Grade
    • Initiation of one Druid into the OBOD Druid Grade

  • Free Webinar about Druidry
    In collaboration with "Nimbus, Quelle für Impuls" (in German)

  • Berge, Salz und Sternenhimmel
    Nimbus Workshop Flyer 2017
    Ein Druidischer Weg in den Alpen
    (Mountains, Salt, and Starry Sky - A Druidric Path in the Alps) Graz, 8/25/2017 - 8/27/2017 (Details)
    At "Nimbus, Quelle für Impuls"

  • 2017 OBOD East Coast Gathering
    (9/14 - 9/17/2017) Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania
  • Initiation of one new bard into the mysteries of OBOD in Wayland, MA, 9/20/16

  • 2016 OBOD East Coast Gathering
    (9/15 - 9/18/2016) Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania
      Christian at naming of Dimitri Myrrdin Nottingham, ECG 2016
    • Naming rite for Dimitri Myrddin Nottingham
    • Initiation of nine new Bards into the mysteries of OBOD
    • Initiation of three Ovates into the OBOD Ovate Grade
    • Initiation of one Druid into the OBOD Druid Grade

  • Druid Magic and Healing
    Philip and Christian in Graz, 2016 A collaboration with Philip Carr-Gomm, Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids
    Graz, 7/2/2016 - 7/3/2016 (Details)
    At "Nimbus, Quelle für Impuls" (web site)